Carrying a Concealed Deadly Weapon (CCDW) Permits
How do I get a Concealed Carry to permit?
The following are the required steps in obtaining a concealed and deadly weapons license:
STEP 1: You must complete the required training course and receive your training certificate.
NOTE: This requires a $75.00 fee, which is paid directly to the certified instructor.
Contact the Sheriff's office for CCDW class dates.
STEP 2: You must obtain a color photograph not smaller than 3 1/2×4 inches and not larger than 4×5 inches. The photo must be a full-face shot. Kentucky State Police will accept a passport photo. For an additional $5.00, the Lawrence County Kentucky Sheriff’s Office will take the photo for you. Please don't wear a hat and sunglasses or photo will be rejected.
STEP 3: a check or money order in the amount of Forty Dollars ($40.00) payable to Kentucky State Treasurer. No Cash.
STEP 4: A check (payable to the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office) or cash in the amount of Twenty Dollars ($20.00).
To expedite the registration process you can now renew online at An additional ten dollar ($10.00) convenience fee will be applied for online registrations.
The Lawrence County Sheriff’s office is open Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Saturday 8:30 am to Noon.
NOTE: CCDW’s are delivered to and can be picked up only in our office during regular business hours. Must bring issuance notice to pick up.

! ! ! SCAM WARNING ! ! !
The Sheriff’s Office will NEVER call you and ask you to pay over the telephone to resolve any legal document or warrant. Scammers are at it again and are now using our address of 310 East Main Street Louisa, Kentucky as a place to meet in the parking lot to settle the issue.
Please always call our office to verify any such call.

Telephone: (606) 638-4368
Fax: (606) 638-1316
Lawrence County Sheriff's Office
310 East Main Street, Louisa, Kentucky, 41230
M-F: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
1st Saturday Only 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM